Thanksgiving, Jesus, Holiday, Praise, God, Family, Relationships

We Can Be Thankful



P.O. BOX 85




“We Can Be Thankful”


November 2020



Dear Believer(s):


As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to remind you to spend time with me in prayer on

Thanksgiving Day. In spite of world problems, our Nation’s situations, the coronavirus, and each of our own pressing troubles, we still can be thankful. We can honor our God who can, and will deliver us from all of the difficulties we face. Psalm 34:19, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.


“We as God’s people must put our total trust and faith in our Almighty God. God is still answering prayer, and performing miracles today.


I will be spending several hours in special prayer on Thanksgiving Day. You decide how much time you want to spend in prayer. I invite and encourage you to send me your urgent prayer requests so that I will be able to pray over them. You can e-mail them, write to me, go on line to our website or telephone me with your prayer needs. In previous years we have experienced God answering prayers by performing miracles, and individuals receiving great and unusual blessings as a result of our Thanksgiving Day Prayer. Please get your urgent request to me by Wednesday November 25, 2020. God wants you to be saved, healed, prospering, and living a life of abundance in Him now. Take a step of faith, and put your impossible situation in the Hands of God by sending in your prayer request.


I believe that because of the Presidential Election, and all of the havoc it caused, it created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty over the Nation. Now that it is over; Now what? It is definitely the time for Christians to rise up and pray for the healing of this Nation. We must pray every day for every elected official to be saved, delivered, and that their decisions and actions are based on the Word of God.  Many may think that this is impossible but as believers who stand on the Word of God, we know what the Bible says in Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” We must stop fearing. God is our source.


We must come together, work together, and pray together in bringing the coronavirus under control. With God’s help we can do this. The love of God and following His precepts can defeat all enemies. Let’s do everything possible that we can do and trust God to deliver us.


One of the principle responsibilities of Christians is to pray fervently for Our Country, its leaders, and problems. We as the church of God have power. Do not allow the devil to fool you by looking at and listening to all of the impossible problems of the World. The Holy Spirit in each of us gives us the power to destroy the works of the devil. (1John 3:8)  The Bible says, “Greater is the power of God in us then the power of the devil that’s in the World.”  “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

 (1John 4:4) As Born Again Believers, we have the same spirit in us that God used to raise Jesus from the



dead. (Romans 8:11) In Luke 10:19, Jesus tells us, “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”


As we celebrate the season of Thanksgiving, many may wonder why should I be thankful? We can be thankful that we have Almighty God who loves us. He had His Son to die in order that we would have eternal life.


We can be thankful we have a God for the person who is experiencing the hurt of past failures, loss of loved ones, broken relationships, discouragement and depression, fear and anxiety; God can provide the cure for all of these things. Our God stands willing to help. We have a God who reaches out to those who feel empty, forsaken, hopeless, and who feel like giving up. God is there for us when we are lonely, when we feel sad, God is with us in our troubled times, He can strengthen us when we are weak. God surrounds us with His love when we need comfort. God offers us forgiveness when we repent. God wants to give us joy, and knowledge. God will grant us peace. He can provide for us financially. God is our healer. These are just a few reasons for God’s People to be thankful.


I am sure if you take the time to remember what God has done for you. You surely can be thankful.


This Thanksgiving Day, as you gather with family, loved ones, and friends, give thanks unto the Lord.


As in previous years, I want to caution Believers how the devil uses the time leading up to, during, and after the Holiday Season to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil is able to do this because so many people seem to lose their focus on God. They instead concentrate more on the things of the world rather than godly things. Let’s be sure to eliminate as much as we can; rushing, stress, extreme pressure situations, and financial pitfalls. We can do this by godly planning, and seeking God’s guidance during these times. Please do not put yourself under intense pressure by rushing, and being impatient. Please follow all necessary health guidelines, and use the wisdom of God concerning the coronavirus.


It’s sad but it is true. Large numbers of individuals will not live to see the New Year. They will be killed by the devices of satan. During the Holiday Season we experience more killings, robberies, and scams by crooks to steal from us. We experience more fires, and accidents of all types.  Individuals experience heart attacks, and other health problems. We see a large increase in bitter family disagreements, and temper explosions which lead to physical and mental harm. The coronavirus also adds to the problems we are facing.


Because we are children of God, we should definitely be led by His Spirit of love in all situations. Let’s pray that all of us as Christians have a joyous, peaceful, and loving time this Thanksgiving Season.


Let us pray; “Dear God, with all of the uncertainties in the world, personal problems we face, and the destructive forces of the enemy, we surely need your divine protection, guidance and love. We thank you God because as we walk and live in obedience to Your Word, we have nothing to fear. You have promised us that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper. Let us glorify You by telling the lost and hurting of Your undying love for them. Father God instill within us, the ability to share Your goodness, and truth like never before this Thanksgiving Season. We thank, and praise You God for the blessings that we have already received. We thank you in advance for present and future blessings that You will bestow upon us. We pray especially for Our Nation, all elected officials and those affected by the coronavirus. We pray this prayer in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!”


Thank you for supporting me as we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is alive, and He is still in control. I see it as He touches and changes lives today. I see it when He answers prayers. I see it when a person is physically and financially healed. I see it when He brings a person to salvation. Your standing with me in your sacrificial giving, and your praying for me enables me to continue to minister to individuals. God sees what you do, and you can expect to be blessed in all your areas of need.



With Love and Thankfulness,

Pastor Thomas Oglesby