Who are we

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The Ministry that knows the power of prayer

The Mind of Christ Ministries was established /incorporated in 1987, in New Jersey. It was founded by Pastor Thomas E. Oglesby with church affiliations; United Methodist; His wife Judith Oglesby a Catholic, and John Atkins a Protestant.  The ministry was established upon the following principles:

  1. To Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching, speaking, praying, and singing.
  2. To uplift God through helping others by administering His word.
  3. To worship and serve God and to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as set forth in Matthew 28:19-20.
  4. To minister to the needs of others as the church is able to do so.


Pastor Oglesby grew up in the United Methodist Church but his mother had him participating with Baptist churches, Holiness, and other denominations to expose him to different doctrines that all had one thing in common. They all believed in Christ. Her desire was to have her son become a Christian person with his life based upon the principles of God. She also hoped that he would become a minister but did not try to force him to go into the work of God. Pastor Oglesby attended a Christian college with a great spiritual heritage; this college was supported by the United Methodist church. He then entered the working world but all the time thinking there had to be more to life than what he was seeing.

Pastor Oglesby was ordained in 1987, in The Bronx, New York, under the pastorship of Rev. David Paul, Founder and President of Spiritual Life Crusades Fellowship. Pastor Oglesby started the Mind of Christ Ministries in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, and Newark, New Jersey as a non-denominational, and interracial gathering of like minded people seeking to know God on a personal level. The Mind of Christ Ministries services have been held in churches, on college campuses, hotels, nursing homes, conferences centers, community centers, parks, and various other venues.

Pastor Oglesby has an established Media Ministry on TV and Radio. His Television shows have aired for more than twenty years in New Jersey and for more than ten years in Charlotte, North Carolina. His Radio Broadcast’s air in the North Eastern United States. He and his Crusade Team, travel and conduct yearly crusade services in North and South Carolina. He has conducted Tent Services in various locations and has a monthly ministry letter that reaches eighteen states.

Pastor Oglesby has held services in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

He has ministered, and has been a guest speaker in the United Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, and non-denominational churches.
Pastor Oglesby has toured the Holy Land and assisted Rev. David Paul on a Holy Land of Israel, Egypt, Amman Jordan, and Vienna Austria. He has also conducted revival meetings in Jamaica.

Mind of Christ Ministries holds weekly services on the first, second and third Sundays in Nutley, New Jersey at St. Paul’s Congregational Church where Pastor Oglesby gives sermons on various subjects. When Pastor Oglesby is traveling, his associate pastors, Judith Oglesby and Donna Curvin, fill in his absence. The ministry is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization with a Board of Directors of all spirit filled individuals.

Pastor Oglesby served in the Armed Forces, worked at the Pentagon, and is a Veteran of the Viet Nam. He enjoys song writing and working for the Lord. He stresses family and has been ministering for over 25 years. His daughter Renita is a medical doctor, and his granddaughter is a junior at Hampton University. Pastor Oglesby credits his praying mother, and a number of pastors, and other spirit filled individuals that helped him become the man of God he is today. Pastor Oglesby preaches and ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.