Friends Hug Post Newsletter

Just A Man Anointed By God



P.O. BOX 85



Phone: 973-818-2750


June 2021


“just a man anointed by god”

Dear Believer(s):

I want to talk to you about what makes a godly man different. What makes him a better father? What makes him stand out from other men? Is it his upbringing? Is it his parents? These things could be factors but listen very carefully. The key thing that makes a godly man different is his love for God. It is fear in his heart for God? It is the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon his life? It does not depend upon his education. It is not the country in which he is born. It is his anointing of the Holy Spirit that makes him a strong believer, unyielding in his faith, and totally obedient to God. He becomes a yielded vessel, determined to fulfill his walk with God, and fearless in facing the devil. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon a man’s life, he is no ordinary man. He may look like an ordinary man, but he is not. When a man has become chosen, ordained, and called by God, nothing can stop him.

Just a man but anointed by God. Let us look at some examples; David is an example, in 1Samuel Chapter17 (read it) we find the Philistines fighting against the Israelites. The Philistines had a giant on their side. His name was Goliath. He was nine feet tall; his bronze armor weighed 125 pounds. His spearhead weighed about 15 pounds. All the Israelites were afraid of Goliath. Goliath would yell to King Saul’s Army, send out your best man to fight me. King Saul and his men were afraid. Finally, David arrived on the scene. David’s father sent him to see how the war was going and to see how his brothers Eliab, Abinadab and Shammah were doing. David heard Goliath’s challenge. He told King Saul; “I will fight him. I am not afraid of him. Saul said David, “how could you fight him? “You are just a boy, and he has been a soldier all his life!” David said to King Saul, “I have killed lions and bears, and I will do the same to this heathen Philistine who has defiled the army of the living God. The Lord has saved me from lions and bears. He will save me from this Philistine.” David saved the Israelite nation. He defeated Goliath. Why? Because the anointing of God was upon his life and God used him.

Look at Samson (Judges Chapters 13-16). Samson was a man of ordinary size. He killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. He was born a Nazarite. His life was to be dedicated to God. God gave Samson the job to begin the rescuing of Israel from the Philistines. Samson’s downfall was Delilah. Read this beautiful story. His strength was in his hair, and he told her his secret. She sold him out. He was a Nazarite, anointed by God but he fell. The Philistines captured him, they put out his eyes, and he became entertainment for them. But in the end, Samson was able to kill five kings and thousands of Philistines. Samson killed more people at his death than he killed during his life.

In 1Kings Chapter 17, Elijah a great man of God, said to King Ahab, in the name of the Lord, the living God of Israel, whom I serve. There will be no more rain or dew for three and a half years.

There was no rain. There was a drought throughout the land because of what Elijah spoke. He killed 450 prophets of Baal. Finally, he was taken up in a whirlwind. Just a man but anointed by God.

In the book of Daniel Chapter 6, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den for refusing to stop praying to God. God delivered him. God sent his angels to shut the mouths of the lions and they did not hurt Daniel. King Darius was so impressed by Daniel’s God that he commanded throughout his Kingdom that everyone should fear and respect Daniel’s God. Daniel was called by God.

In Judges Chapter 6, Gideon defeats the Midianites Army with just 300 men. God called Gideon to deliver the people, and Gideon was hiding in a cave afraid. God called him, anointed him, and used him to deliver his people.

The men that we have talked about today all were ordinary men until God anointed them. God is still calling and anointing individuals today. They are serving God and have yielded to Him in such a manner that He is using them to perform Mighty Miracles. Do you have the anointing of God on your life? Have you been called by God to do a great work for Him? Don’t you think that today is the day to find out! How will I know? Who is to tell me? First, you need to accept God as head of your life. You do this by accepting Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. Once you accept Jesus as your Personal Savior, then live your life for God. Ask God, what would you want me to do for you Lord? What work have you chosen for me? Lord, I am ready. Use me, I am your vessel. Use me in my home, in my community, in my church, on my job and wherever else you decide. Lord, I want to be one of your anointed ones. Lord, I want my life to be used for you. Most of all Lord, I want my name to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

If you are willing and would like to be used by God; I want you to pray this prayer with me: “Father God, I want to be used by you. Here I am a yielded VESSEL; let the Spirit of God that resides in me Direct me As you sees fit. I ask that thy will be done in my life. Use me to tear down the strongholds of the devil, and to build up the Kingdom of God. I pray this prayer in the name of the father, son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!”

When I see how God is answering prayers, I rejoice within my heart. If you seem to be facing an impossible situation, write to me and let me pray for you. Take a step of faith and fill out the prayer request form. Let’s, you and I enter into prayer of agreement according to Matthew 18:19.

When you write, pray about sowing a seed into this ministry; we want you to help us as we spread the Good News of the Gospel. I know that God will bless you for giving because you are sowing into fertile ground.

Let me remind you to be an instrument for God!


Happy Father’s Day With Love & Prayers,

Pastor Thomas Oglesby

Pastor Thomas Oglesby