The Wisdom of God




P.O. BOX 85



Phone: 973-818-2750



August 2022


“The Wisdom of God”

Dear Believer (s):


Today we are living in a world full of trouble; a nation where people are troubled and looking for answers.  They want to know where to turn for answers to their troubles. How do I solve my problems? What is the right answer? How do I know that this solution will work?  Job 14:1 says, “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” How can our many problems be solved today? We need the wisdom of God.


If you are not walking with and committed to God today, the situations and problems of life can destroy you. We must remember that Jesus said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

(John 10:10) If you are not a totally committed Christian relying on the Wisdom of God today, your hopes, dreams, and faith can be shattered and even stolen by the father of all lies, which is the devil. As you are faced with the troubles, trials, and problems of life today, I want you to be encouraged and not succumb to the fears and doubts of the mind. I want you to know that Jesus told us, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5) When Jesus is with us none of life’s circumstances can defeat us.


I want to share with you, a verse from one of my favorite songs.  Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow; because He lives, all fear is gone; because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives. Praise God! I know and want you to know that when Jesus is the center of our joy, and when Jesus is the center of our lives, we are going to make it. If your hope, trust, and faith are in God, you can have peace, joy, love, and victory in the middle of life’s storms.


Man loves to brag about the knowledge and wisdom that he has. Man will even tell you and give you information about things he has no knowledge of. Many individuals feel that they have wisdom about many things. In our society today, much emphasis is put on multi-tasking and being all knowing or having the ability to do many things well. But man’s fleshly knowledge, his worldly knowledge, and his wisdom will not keep him from being destroyed by satan and the tricks he uses to steal from us and keep us in bondage. We need the wisdom of God. God says in the Scriptures, “I will destroy the wisdom of all who claim to be wise. I will confuse those who think they know so much.” What happened to those wise people? What happened to those experts in the Scriptures? What happened to the ones who think they have all the answers? Didn’t God show that the wisdom of this world is foolish? God was wise and decided not to let the people of this world use their wisdom to learn about him.  Instead, God chose to save only those who believe the foolish message we preach. Our message is God’s power and wisdom for the Jews and the Greeks that he has chosen. Even when God is foolish, he is wiser than everyone else, and even when God is weak, he is stronger than everyone else. But God chose the foolish things of this world to put the wise to shame. He chose the weak things of this world to put the powerful to shame. What the world thinks is worthless, useless, and nothing at all is what God has used to destroy what the world considers important. God did all this to keep anyone from bragging to him. You are God’s children. He sent Christ Jesus to save us and to make us wise, acceptable, and holy. So if you want to brag, do what the Scriptures say and brag about the Lord.” 1Corinthians 1:19-21; 1Corinthians 1:24-25; 1Corinthians 1:27-31 (CEV)


I believe that many Christians don’t do things according to God’s Word, or they are not obedient to God because they think that they are wiser than God. They operate in fleshly thinking, or they do things according to the wisdom of men. They are also caught up in worldly thinking, and they believe the lies of the devil instead of the truth of God. No one, and nothing ever created is wiser than God. And we know that God created all things.


God in His Word has showed us that the foolishness of God is wiser than men. 1Corinthians 3:19- 20 says, This is because God considers the wisdom of this world to be foolish. It is just as the Scriptures say, “God catches the wise when they try to outsmart him. The Scriptures also say, “The Lord knows that the plans made by wise people are useless.”


Do you remember the story of Solomon? Let’s look at 1Kings 3:5-14. One night while Solomon was in Gibeon, the LORD God appeared to him in a dream and said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want, and I will give it to you.” Solomon answered: My father David, your servant, was honest and did what you commanded. You were always loyal to him, and you gave him a son who is now king. LORD God, I’m your servant, and you’ve made me king in my father’s place. But I’m very young and know so little about being a leader. And now I must rule your chosen people, even though there are too many of them to count. Please make me wise and teach me the difference between right and wrong. Then I will know how to rule your people. If you don’t, there is no way I could rule this great nation of yours. God said: Solomon, I’m pleased that you asked for this. You could have asked to live a long time or to be rich. Or you could have asked for your enemies to be destroyed. Instead, you asked for wisdom to make right decisions. So I’ll make you wiser than anyone who has ever lived or ever will live.  I’ll also give you what you didn’t ask for. You’ll be rich and respected as long as you live, and you’ll be greater than any other king. If you obey me and follow my commands, as your father David did, I’ll let you live a long time.”  Let’s you and I ask God for wisdom so that we can be wise.


Who compares with God? Who has the wisdom of God? “Did any of you measure the ocean by yourself or stretch out the sky with your own hands? Did you put the soil of the earth in a bucket or weigh the hills and mountains on balance scales? Has anyone told the LORD what he must do or given him advice? Did the LORD ask anyone? To teach him wisdom and justice? Who gave him knowledge and understanding? Who compares with God? Is anything like him? Don’t you know?  Haven’t you heard? Isn’t it clear that God created the world? God is the one who rules the whole earth, and we that live here are merely insects. He spread out the heavens like a curtain or an open tent. The holy God asks, “Who compares with me? Is anyone my equal?” Look at the evening sky! Who created the stars?

Who gave them each a name? Who leads them like an army? The LORD is so powerful that none of the stars are ever missing. Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The LORD is the eternal God, Creator of the earth. He never gets weary or tired; his wisdom cannot be measured.” Isaiah 40:12-14; Isaiah 40:18; Isaiah 40:21-22; Isaiah 40:25-26; Isaiah 40:28 (CEV)


James 1:5-8 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

Proverbs 3:5-7 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.”


As God’s people we must believe that wisdom is the key to making the right decisions in life and living the fruitful life God promised in His Word. I am praying and I want you to pray for God to give us an increase in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Let’s seek God for His Wisdom. He has the answers that will solve all of our problems.


As people of God, we should seek His wisdom in all that we do. Let’s ask God for His perfect will for our lives and not live and walk in our own permissive wills. As spiritual beings of God, let us seek His wisdom which will enable us to live in the spirit and not in our soulish realm. Living by the wisdom of God gives us love, peace, joy, victory, and the abundance that God has for us.


Let us pray: “Dear God, we need the wisdom that only you can give to enable us to live in the troubled times that we face. We ask for wisdom based on your Word and according to what you state in James 1:5-8. We thank you Lord because we ask in faith, and we believe that we will receive. We pray this prayer in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!”


Please, I ask for your continued financial support and for your prayers. I know that when you sow seeds into this ministry, God will multiply your seeds back to you, and you will reap a bountiful harvest.


With Love & Prayers,

Thomas Oglesby

Pastor Thomas Oglesby