Walking Together For God



P.O. BOX 85


website: mindofchristministries.net

Phone: 973-818-2750

e-mail: mindofchrist@verizon.net


September 2023



“Walking Together For God”


Dear Believer (s):


Before we begin our monthly ministry letter sermon, Let’s pray together: “Lord, thank you for those who have joined with us in spreading Your Word. Guide them through their daily tasks. Be with them in times of trouble, joy, and peace. Let them know that Your will should be utmost in their minds and spirits. We thank You God for all the little things we take for granted. We pray for our leaders, and for our nation. We pray for the needs of Your people. We pray that every man and woman that reads this letter will be touched by the Holy Spirit. We pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”


When you can get people walking together for God, great things happen. It is not necessary for the number to be large. When the individuals are walking together with Jesus, they can create wonders. The devil trembles and loses his power. There is strength in togetherness. Gangs have realized this. Crooks have realized this. Sports teams have realized this. We as Christian believers need to know this. Instead of tearing each other apart, we need to work together. God is looking for togetherness. Jesus spent much of His time molding His disciples, teaching them, and showing them. We as God’s people, need to work together on one accord. We can and will accomplish our mission of spreading the Word of Jesus Christ. When we become partners, we can bring people into light, and into the truth of the Word. When we understand what God’s Word says, and it becomes a part of us, we are freed from bondage. The devil will lose his hold on us, and we go from being children of darkness, and become children of light. We become free in Jesus. Walking together for Jesus and working together for him.


Let’s turn to the book of Acts. Look with me at Acts 3:1-7. When we walk together in the Spirit of God, miracles happen. Two men on one accord doing the work of Jesus, believing in His name; trained by Jesus and partners in the work of God. But look at this, the first step in pleasing God as Christians, is learning to walk together. In our scriptures, Peter and John were so different in the flesh, almost like Mutt and Jeff. Peter was loud, an everyday guy, a fisherman, tough, and forward. John was quiet, backward, and he had been a disciple of John the Baptist, until Jesus called him to be His disciple. In so many ways these men were absolute opposites. They were now walking together and working together. This is why the man who had been born lame from his mother’s womb was now following them into the temple. The man was jumping up and down praising God. The people knew this man. They were asking him how it is possible that you are walking? He told the people about Peter and John. Peter and John had experienced the Holy Spirit being poured out upon them. They were now performing miracles just like Jesus. They were together preaching, teaching, and doing the work of God. Togetherness is unity, working together is obedience, and the results bring about miracles.


This ministry stresses having a prayer partner. It’s important to have a prayer partner that is Holy Ghost filled. Two individuals lifting each other up, praying together, believing together, working together, and seeing God perform miracles. Seeing God answer prayers and experiencing His power, goodness, and mercy. If you are in need of prayer, let me know. I will join with you. We can join our faith together, and see God move for you. In Matthew 18; 19, it says, “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they ask, it shall be done for them of my Father, which is in heaven.”  It’s most important to have a prayer partner to agree with you. One of the most exciting things about working for God is having individuals to write or call me, telling of miracles, blessings, and how God has moved for them in an impossible situation.


Friends, we need to walk together for God. When we are all walking and working together on one accord, then all signals to God are go. God then sends His Son Jesus to come among us and pour out His mighty power. By walking together, we become one in Jesus Christ. When this happens, a powerful spiritual force is alive in each of us, which destroys the yoke of the devil. Walking in the same spirit, believing for God to move with our faith, touching the hem of Jesus’ garment.


Unity and obedience are the key. If you are to be successful in your marriage, in your family, you need unity. If your church is to be successful, you need unity. Unity and obedience to God results in miracles. God wants us to walk together for Him.


When you have a problem as a Christian, who are you going to agree with for God to move for you. You must stand with another Bible Believing Christian. This can make the difference whether you receive God’s promises and blessings.


Do not stand with, or partner with an unbeliever. You must agree with a God loving person. A person who believes in the power of prayer, and the Word of God.  Do not take your problem and list it on social media. Do not look to any of satan’s agents for help. Be spiritually wise. Go to God in prayer. He is the One who cares. He is The Miracle Worker. He is the One who gives joy and happiness. He helps you overcome anger and frustration. God is the One who can give you the spiritual desires of your heart.


Don’t forget I want to stand with you in your prayer requests. Contact me and I will lift them up to God. I will stand with you believing for God to perform a miracle for you.


Let us pray. “Dear God, “in a world of divisiveness, where we seek our own selfish way, let us love one another. Let Christians come together, working as one, on one accord to please you. Dear God, may Your Spirit bring unity among Your people. This will enable us to work together in fulfilling Your Will. We pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Amen!”


I want to thank all of you who support this ministry with your prayers, finances, and encouraging letters. This helps and encourages us to continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray and ask whether you should financially support this ministry. Be obedient to whatever He tells you to do.


Prayerfully Yours,

Thomas Oglesby

Pastor Thomas E. Oglesby