Father, Son, God, Relationship, Family, Dream, Responsibility

Rekindle The Dream

P.O. BOX 85
E-Mail: MOC@MindOfChristMinistries.net

June 2018

“Rekindle The Dream”

Dear Believer(s):

Since we are celebrating and acknowledging Father’s Day on June 17th, this ministry letter is geared towards Fathers. Today, we are living in a world where the Spirit of God is lacking or sleeping in a great number of men. Man has become irresponsible, sold out to satan, fallen in love with the world and its values. A great number of men have separated themselves from God.They are totally controlled by their minds, will, and emotions. The honesty, caring and sharing values are missing from their lives. They are consumed by self, and the lust of the World.

Today I am asking God to revive and rekindle the dreams that many men of God have. Don’t allow the enemy to steal your God given Dream. The devil’s crowd wants you to turn to the devices of the world.satanwants to entice you with gambling and get rich quick schemes, and all of the ungodly ideas that he can. But God has given us His ways to become successful, and live according to His Word. The Bible says, in Matthew 6:33, “I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the things I need and desire shall be added unto me!” We find in Mark 4:8,“I sow in good ground and yield fruit that springs up and increases, bringing me thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold increase.”

Has God placed a dream, a vision, a calling, in your heart? Perhaps it’s something that has been lying dormant for many years. Or maybe your dream seems to have become silent.

Let’s look at some of the men of the Bible who had a dream in their hearts, and how God miraculously brought these dreams to pass!

Moses was a man who had a dream in his heart. Even though he had been raised in the palace by Pharaoh’s own daughter, he saw the plight of the Hebrew people, he decided to lay aside the riches of Egypt and identify himself with the people of God. Really, God had birthed a dream in his heart to be their deliverer. But instead of waiting for God’s timing, he took matters into his own hands, wound up killing an Egyptian, and burying his body in the sand (Exodus 2:12). Then he had to flee to the backside of the desert where he tended sheep for forty years.

There in the hot, burning desert wilderness, God spoke to Moses, and in essence told him. “Yes, you’re going to be the deliverer of My people, but you’ve got to do it in My timing, and My way.” Moses’ dream became a reality at last, when he led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage (Exodus 12)!

Another young man in the Bible who had a God-given dream in his heart was Elisha. The Bible tells us that the prophet Elijah was walking down the road one day when he saw Elisha plowing in the fields. Now this was a young man who had a desire for the anointing of God, who loved the Lord, and who wanted to serve Him with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.So Elijah called to him saying, “Come and join me!” then Elisha left everything to follow the Lord (1Kings 19).

While these two men of God traveled together, Elijah put several test before his young protégé. And oftentimes God will put a test in your life to see what you’re made of! But through every test and trial, Elisha stuck by the Prophet Elijah’s side. AND HE ALSO STAYED FAITHFUL AND LOYAL TO THE LORD!

Finally, the great day came when Elijah was to be caught away to heaven. So he asked Elisha, “What do you want me to do for you? What is your dream?” And Elisha replied, “I want a double portion of the anointing that’s upon your life!” Well, Elijah just looked at the young man, perhaps somewhat stunned, and said, “You’ve asked a hard thing, but if you see me when I go (or if you keep your eyes on the Lord), then you’ll have it.”

Suddenly a heavenly chariot came down. Elijah got on board, and that chariot went UP! Elijah dropped his mantle, which represented his anointing, and it came floating down to the ground. Elisha picked it up, and when he struck the water of the Jordan River, they rolled back! All of a sudden, the naysayers and gainsayers exclaimed, “He’s got it!” His dream has come to pass! Elisha received the double portion anointing (2KingsChapter2)!

Now a God-given dream may not be fulfilled the very instant you receive it. Just take a look at the life of Joseph, for example. He had a God-given dream in his heart, but it didn’t happen right away. In fact, as soon as he dreamed the dream, his whole family seemed to come against him and he wound up in a pit! Then he ended up in prison for a crime he didn’t commit! But finally, God fulfilled his dream and Joseph became the number twoman in the Egyptian government (Genesis 41:40). Joseph’s dream was seemingly dashed, and yet God brought his dream to pass becauseJoseph stood tall in his faith and would not give up!

God may have put a dream in your heart, and it may seem like it has been a long time since you first dreamed that dream. But I am praying and expecting your dream to be restored, and for that desire that has been on the back burner of your life to come to pass!If God can do it for Moses, if He can do it for Elisha, if He can do it for Joseph, then He can do it for you too! SO LET THE DREAMS OF GOD BEGIN TO RISE UP IN YOU! LET THE LORDREBIRTH AND REKINDLE THAT DREAM, THAT VISION, THAT CALLING! LET THE SPIRIT OF GOD RELIGHT THE FIRE OF THAT DREAM THAT HE HAS PLACED IN YOUR HEART!

Let us pray: “Father in the name of Jesus, rekindle the dream that you have put in the hearts of men. We need men today who will stand and follow the path of faith that you have for them. God raise up an army of obedient men who will endeavor to bring glory to you. I pray for men in all walks of life to honor you and live holy so that their families will be blessed. Lord God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for men who are lost to be saved. I pray this prayer in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!”

I pray that God will touch your heart to give and support this ministry.We need your financial help. I know that as you give in obedience to God, you will be blessed according to Malachi 3:10-12“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.”

“I pray a special blessing of God upon all Fathers as you celebrate Father’s Day!”

With Love & Special Prayers,
Thomas Oglesby
Pastor Thomas Oglesby

We Invite You To Come To The Services Listed Expecting To Be Blessed And Experience The Power of God.

Services Are Held:
Sundays at 12:30 P.M., at Saint Paul’s Congregational Church
10 Saint Paul’s Place,
Nutley, New Jersey 07110

Mind of Christ Ministries Worship Service Schedule
Services begin at 12:30 p.m.
Sunday June 3, Sunday June 10 & Father’s Day Sunday June 17, 2018

***Note: Our July Services begin at 11:00 a.m. ***
Sunday July 8 & Sunday July 15

Mind of Christ Ministries Services are usually held every month as follows:
1st Sunday (Bible Teaching and Principles)
2nd Sunday (Video Taping for Television)
3rd Sunday (Miracle and Healing Service)

Upcoming Crusade Services for North Carolina
Holiday Inn Charlotte Airport
2707 Little Rock Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28214
Thursday Night June 21 & Friday Night June 22, 2018
Charlotte, North Carolina

Weekly Cable Television Service Schedule

Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Cable Television Channel TV21, Charlotte. NC

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. Cablevision of Newark, NJ Channel 19

Sunday: 7:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Paterson, NJ Channel 75

Sunday: 8:00 p.m. Cablevision Oakland, NJ (Nutley area) Channel 76

Sunday: 8:00 p.m. Cablevision Bergen, NJ Channel 77

Sunday: 8:00 p.m. Cablevision Morris, NJ Channel 21

Note: Comcast Cable Viewers:
We will be off the air for the summer effective Sunday July 4, and will return effective Sunday October 3, 2018 at 10:30 a.m.; Comcast Cable, Channel 96

Please send your e-mails for prayer and additional information requests to:
mindofchrist@verizon.net or call (973-661-9415)

Mind of Christ Ministries Prayer Request:

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