God Looks Out For Mothers



P.O. BOX 85


Website Address: mindofchristministries.net


Phone Number 973-818-2750


May 2020

“God Looks Out For Mothers


Dear Believer:(s)


We face many problems in the world today.  Despite any fear and uncertainty, let us not forget one of the most precious persons that God has given to mankind. I am talking about MOTHERS. Mothers, we greet you today with love, joy, enthusiasm, gifts, and all of the blessings of God. We love you.

We face many disheartening moments because of the coronavirus pandemic but the very presence of mothers gives us courage and hope. No matter what happens around us, we can depend on mom! Their faith and trust is in God. They point us to Him, and remind us of what He says in His Word, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26:3) Thank God for mothers. Many people are having trouble with fear but again, mothers have the answer. They will refer you to what the Bible says, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy 1:7) We must remember to follow the wisdom and knowledge of mothers.

Many individuals are blessed to still have their mother with them today. Be sure to thank God for their presence, and treat them with love, honor, and respect. You will never regret this. There are so many of us whose mothers are now with the Lord, for this we can shout and thank God. We have many wonderful memories, and we have not forgotten all of the things of God that they taught us. Of course I miss my mother, and I am sure you do but we have much to be thankful about. The precious moments and memories!  The times we needed them, and they were there.  The joyful times of happiness that lifts us up even now! The legacy of God’s love that our mothers left with us will always be our Guiding Light. We thank the Lord for our dear mothers.

We look at our mothers today as they remain firm in taking care of their families, and handling key responsibilities and roles that enable us to survive. God knew that there could not be a fruitful world without mothers. God created mothers to be spiritually strong and obedient to Him. He knew that in the time of trouble that they would run to Him. Many of the mothers that I have recently prayed with reminded me that one of their favorite Bible scriptures is found in Psalm 91, verses 1, 2, 5, &10. This is what it says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” I believe that our mothers are leading and guiding us right. All Christians should stand on these scriptures and particularly the entire 91st Psalm.

Let me share with you a powerful and miraculous testimony from a mother in Florida. This mother texted me with this testimony:

This is what she said. “Let me tell you how God is looking out for us before I even knew it. My daughter, Carolina became extremely ill in early February with shortness of breath, with a fever of 104 degrees; she was in the hospital twice. Then 10 days later her husband got ill with the same thing. We now know they got the virus early, and we think some protection. My son- -in-law SEAN is in the worst hospital in NY treating 4 ICU UNITS. Every patient is on a ventilator. My daughter is at a different hospital and rotating offices seeing cancer patients. So I thank God for giving them immunity before we knew to ask him. Isn’t He just soooo good to us!!!!! He cares so much for us. I am still living off of our parents and grandparents prayers, and now I have YOURS AND JUDYS. I truly love and appreciate you !!!  Isaiah 41:10

What a testimony! Be sure to read Isaiah 41:10.

Mothers, we thank you for your love, and we ask God to wonderfully bless you on this Mother’s Day. My prayer is for you to be continually loved by God, loved by your loved ones, and family today, and always.

Let us pray together; “Dear God, thank you for mothers. We know that they are a gift from the throne of God. Give them love, wisdom, peace and joy in dealing with all of the troubled situations they face. Bless them with long life, prosperity, good health, great spiritual knowledge, obedient children, and power over all the works of the devil. Lord we thank You for your precious gift of mothers, and teach us to cherish and love them. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!”

I thank all of you who support this ministry, and may the blessings of God overtake you. Ephesians 6:8 says, “Whatever good you make happen for someone else, I will make happen for you.” Thank you for especially standing with me during these troubled times.

Please do not forget to send in your prayer request. You can also go online to the Mind of Christ Ministries website and submit your prayer request and donation.

Happy Mother’s Day with God’s Love,


Your Partner In Prayer,

Thomas Oglesby

Pastor Thomas Oglesby