Christmas A Time For Giving



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Phone Number 973-818-2750


December 2020



“Christmas a time for giving”


Dear Believer(s):


God loved His people so much, and although they lived in a troubled world, a sinful world, a lost world, a defeated world, and a world that had separated itself from Him, God still gave His love. He gave us His Son.  “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) God’s love is a giving love. His Son was born that we might be forgiven of our sins, so that men would have an opportunity to give to God and give to themselves. Even today more than 2,000 years later in the midst of a chaotic world, God’s love is still available to us. God in His infinite love is offering salvation, peace, joy, healing, prosperity, and good health. God is still answering prayer and performing miracles.

Presently, so many people are depressed because of how the coronavirus has affected their lives. The political upheaval has brought division and hate, and there are many other uncertainties that have caused our faith to waiver.  We may be asking ourselves, what can I give? How can I help to solve the problems of our nation and world? Jesus’ love is the answer. We can share and give the love of Jesus. There is no greater gift that we can give.

Consider the Three Wise Men. The Bible does not give their names or exactly where they came from. Did they know each other? Were they friends? Did they have the same religion? The only thing that we really know about them is revealed in their giving. Read about them in (Matthew 2:1-11.) Because of their gifts, they were called “Wise Men.” Notice how different their gifts were, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. These are not ordinary gifts. Certainly not the kind of gifts you would bring to a family who at the time was living in a stable. Each one of these men was led within himself as to what gift he should give.

The three nameless “Wise Men” were noted, documented, and celebrated because of their giving. Their gifts proclaimed their faith. One gave gold in honor of a King! HE SAW THIS HUMBLE BABE WRAPPED IN SWADDLING CLOTHES AS A KING! The second gave Frankincense. The kind used by the priests. HE SAW IN THIS LOWLY MANGER, A HIGH PRIEST!  The third gave a gift of myrrh. This was a very unusual gift. Myrrh was used in burials for preservation or saving the body. HE SAW IN CHRIST, A SAVIOR!

The three gifts together represent the three-fold character of Jesus Christ, KING, HIGH PRIEST, AND SAVIOR.  Their giving represented the Divine Nature of God. You are never more like God than when you are giving a gift He has led you to give! This is why hell fears your giving and will do anything to hinder it. If the enemy can hinder your spirit of giving, He CAN STOP YOU FROM WALKING WITH THE WISE MEN!  These “Wise Men” honored Jesus by their giving.  Are we honoring him with our giving? Christmas is a CELEBRATION OF LOVE, the nature of God Himself! “It is a Season of Giving.”

During this Christmas Season, you can give and share the gift of Christ. Allow God to use you to lead a lost soul to Him. What a precious and everlasting gift to give to someone who does not know the true meaning of Christmas. Give the gift of true love by sharing Christ’s story with a little child. Give a Christmas prayer to one who is sick. Give a hearty Christ hello and visit a neighbor who is lonely. Give the gift of forgiving to someone who has hurt you badly. Giving can be as simple as praying for a stranger, sharing your godly wisdom with a troubled and depressed soul.  What other ways can you give? The giving totally of oneself to the will of God, let’s all of us ask God to pour out His love upon us so that His anointing is so great we can share it with everyone we meet. God has given to us the gift that lasts forever. Let us give this everlasting gift of love because it can change the world.

This Christmas, make a commitment to God that you will allow His love to touch others through you. The “Wise Men” and the shepherds glorified the Son of God. Let us rejoice with them by telling the world, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) Surely God’s Son is the Prince of Peace.

Let me remind you that during the Holiday Season more individuals experience tremendous stress and anxiety than any other time of the year. This pressure is brought on because of rushing, poor planning, overspending, and commercialization of the season, selfishness, loneliness, and lack of rest. If we are not careful and led by the spirit of God, we become victims of accidents, robberies, fire hazards, and severe health problems; we also become involved in heated arguments with family and friends. Let us not get caught up in materialism and commercialism. Let’s not become consumed by the spirit of evilness. We must remember that Jesus is the real reason for the season. We must be led by His Spirit in all that we do.

Let me thank all of you for your financial support during 2020. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:8, “What good you make happen for someone else, I will make happen for you.” All those who have helped me this year have certainly made good things happen to those who have received the Word of God and His blessings, as we preached, taught, and ministered by the gifts. Again, I say thank you. Please, we need your continued support this month and in the coming year. Because of your giving, we can continue to bless others.

I will spend several hours in Special Prayer on Christmas Day. Let me remind you to send me your special prayer request. As I spend time in prayer, I will ask God to meet your needs and bless your family.

Please on Christmas Day, while you are with family and friends, give glory to God by having them join you in the Christmas prayer written below.

Let us pray; “Dear God, as we celebrate the Christmas Season, let the love of Jesus live in us each day. You gave Your Son as a gift for eternity. His Spirit in us gives joy, hope, peace, healing and love. Lord, we pray that the peace You have given will reside in the hearts of men worldwide. Lord, we ask that you remove the hate from our hearts and replace it with love.  We pray for family members, loved ones, friends, and enemies. Grant us all the wisdom of Christ and let us be directed by His Spirit of Love. Father, when Your love lives in our hearts, Christmas is every day. We worship and adore You, King Jesus. We pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Amen!”

Throughout the world as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I say to the entire Mind of Christ Ministries Family, let peace, joy, hope, and love guide you this Christmas Season. I pray that God’s Blessings for the New Year will overtake you.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,


Pastor Thomas Oglesby &Family