The Prayers of Godly Mothers



P.O. BOX 85



Phone: 973-818-2750



May 2022


Happy Mother’s Day!


“The Prayers of Godly Mothers”


Dear Believers:


As we celebrate Mother’s Day in2022, we are certainly blessed to have praying mothers. There has never been in the lives of mankind the need for such godly individuals who cry out to God for the safety, guidance, protection and well-being of their children and family members.

We are faced with many uncertainties in the world today. Who else but a praying and godly mother can withstand all the pressures and stress that we face? The godly wisdom and knowledge that has been imparted to them by the Holy Spirit, is definitely needed.

What enables a godly mother to be able to endure and overcome all the evil and satanic forces that she encounters? It is the Spirit of Jesus that lives and operates in her life. Godly mothers have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Their lives are built on the Solid Rock and not on the shaky foundation of the world. Praying mothers realize that Jesus is the way. Their confidence, and faith is in God. Godly mothers know and totally believe what it says in John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Christian mothers know that God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. They do not depend on their minds, will, and emotions. They seek Jesus and His Word in their time of trouble.

The world today has changed drastically. In some ways we can say it has become worse than better. Many of the worldly values have changed. Even individuals have tried to change godly ways, godly values, and change the Word of God. But the Bible says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”(Hebrews 13:8)

A mother’s love, understanding and wisdom binds a family together in perfect harmony. A mother has to deal with individual differences, different roles, different viewpoints, different wants and needs in taking care of her family.

The life of a mother is like no other. The cares, worries, hurts, and disappoints of life that she must face. She must be able to forgive those who do not understand the nature of motherhood. She must overcome loneliness, and the troubling times of life handling family situations. The many times she tells herself, I could have done better, I said too much, or I should not have spoken at all. The fears that are hidden in her heart that she never reveals; The undying need to balance all the facets of family life. Handling outside job responsibilities, taking care of self, and fulfilling the commitment to serve God. Only a godly mother can perform all these tasks, while manifesting the love of God and sharing His Word.

A godly mother is not defeated by the devil nor any trouble, trial, or affliction. She has the same Spirit in her that God used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead. When she is confronted with the trouble of the world, her life changing decisions are not determined by her soulish realm. (Mind, will, and emotions) Godly mothers do not allow their five senses to override their ability to think with the Mind of Christ.

A godly mother’s success in this troubled world that we live in does not depend on her own human intellect, but it depends upon the wisdom and knowledge found in God’s Word.  A godly mother has planted in her heart the scripture found in Psalm 34:19 which says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”

Mothers today have suffered devastating and heartbreaking and unbelievable losses and setbacks. They had been faced with personal sickness of all types. They have had to take care of spouses, parents, grandparents, children, and other family members. Many times, they have been faced with financial shortfalls and had to work long hours to earn money.

Their faith in God has been thoroughly tested and they had to defeat the works and attacks of the enemy whose major effort was to destroy them and their loved ones. But through all these things and more, they did not give in to temptation and turn away from God. They saw Jesus moving for them during their trouble. They looked to him and prayed for strength. Many times, our mothers told us to pray. Do not give up and trust God. We did not know it was the Holy Spirit guiding and leading them. Godly and praying mothers have the same spirit of love, compassion and caring that Jesus has.

One of the greatest creations was when God created mothers. There could not be a world without mothers. I am talking about godly mothers; A mother who has accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. A mother who has the Gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in her life. A godly mother manifests the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Do you know any godly mothers? I believe that you do. Let us always remember our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers who have influenced and instilled the principles of God in our lives. Let’s not forget the aunt, teacher, babysitter, and pastor who has touched our lives with the goodness of God.

Although godly mothers are often overlooked and unappreciated the Holy Spirit in them yields to the will of God and brings much glory to Him.

Mothers, oftentimes we do not appreciate you and are not thankful for all that you do; but thank God you get all your love, strength, and guidance from Him. This enables you to love as God does. It also allows you to share God’s love with others.

As we celebrate this Mother’s Day, let us ask God how we can show love and appreciation in a special way. Let’s do this through special prayer. I want you to join me as we pray for mothers.

Let us pray: “Heavenly Father, we thank you for Mothers and we thank you for the love that you have instilled within them. We thank you for the joy and peace in their hearts. We thank you for their strength in you.  We pray for their households, and we ask that every need be met. Lord, we know that they are precious in your sight, and let us respect them. We forever thank you Lord for the Precious gift of Mothers. We pray this prayer in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen!”

The Bible says in Ephesians 6:8, “Whatever good you make happen for someone else, I will make happen for you.” Thank you for your giving that enables me to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that God will bless you.

THANK God for mothers &Happy Mother’s Day

Pastor Thomas Oglesby

Pastor Thomas Oglesby